я твоя не первая. ты мое то самое.
“He’s hanging onto that helicopter for an extremely passionate reason,” says Joe Russo. “In stories you’ll read where a mother will lift a car off a child. There’s something very important happening in that scene and for us it really represented his struggle as a character, one man pitted against a helicopter that’s trying to take off. Can he stop it? And what are the limits of his strength? For us, it’s one of the most powerful shots in the movie and it’s Chris Evans, who works very hard to physically exemplify this character. On set, we had him straining against a crane holding this helicopter, and you have this fantastic shot of his muscles bulging and you can feel the pain and the energy and the determination as he tries to stop this thing.”
я готова умереть от одной мысли об этом.
айда в братскую могилу? эта мысль меня ломает просто. бедный стив.
~Энни~, ДА ТАМ УЖЕ, ЕПТ.
Волкер Кресс, Т_Т
Astarta, Т_________Т
я надеюсь